LaNa 24. May 1997 (27), Pärnu, Estonia Was online more than one month ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendship
  • Interested in guys
  • I speak estonianrussian.
  • I have no kids.
  • 168 cm
  • I smoke.
  • My religion is catholic.
  • 06.09.2011
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Her quizzes
  • What small things matter to you? The test will show which details are especially important for you
    • You are very interested in people with good taste and even follow the best one`s taste. It does not mean that one has to be necessarily dressed in the latest fashion - a person should have style that suits and is interesting. Of course, the inner world of man also plays a role for you, but you start with appearance...
  • What do others adore in you? The test will show your most beloved character trait
    • You are a person with an extraordinary thought and that is appreciated by others. You have your own peculiar approach to many things which at times is understandable only to [__ separator __] you. You can always help find a way out of the most seemingly difficult situation, it comes easy for you. Often people around you are drawn to you, knowing that it will not get boring next to you, because only your presence can brighten up the gloomiest day and cheer up those who are sad. Others can also learn to look at the world in a different way and it is always very much appreciated both by your relatives and friends. The main thing is not to squander your talent, which is the ability to appreciate what is and enjoy every new day..
  • What kind of food is your character like? The playful test will tell you something about your character
    • Your character is like a cake! And why? Because you are always welcome as you are a cheerful person and without you [__ separator__] there will not be a single fun party. Your presence is always delightful and time runs unnoticed in your company. You make the most pleasant impression on most people. Your character, despite its willfulness, always attracts others, like a magnet and with many people the first acquaintance grows into a real, strong friendship.
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